
Admissions REQUIREMENTS & Procedures

Rigorous academics, hands-on learning, prepared practitioners


Admissions for MAcHM program

The Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAcHM) program is designed to provide a comprehensive education in acupuncture and East Asian Medicine (EAM). The program typically spans four years, requiring a minimum of 212 didactic units and 960 clinical internship hours. The curriculum integrates traditional EAM principles with Western biomedical sciences, covering topics such as acupuncture techniques, herbal medicine, diagnosis, and patient management.

The program includes hands-on clinical training where students treat patients under supervision, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Graduates are eligible to sit for the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and California Acupuncture Board (CAB) licensure examinations, enabling them to practice as licensed acupuncturists.

The program is offered in English, Chinese, and Korean. Courses are delivered through various formats: in-person, online, and hybrid.

Admissions Requirements

An applicant to the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAcHM) must meet the following requirements:

    • The University admits applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U. S. Department of Education, with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.


    • The University also admits applicants who have not completed a bachelor’s degree but earned at least 90 quarter or 60 semester units at the baccalaureate level from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U. S. Department of Education, with a minimum CGPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.


    • College courses with a “D” grade or lower cannot be counted toward the 90 quarter or 60 semester units, but will be counted in the CGPA calculation to determine admission eligibility.


    • If the prerequisite educational requirements were earned at a recognized and approved foreign institution the applicant’s official transcripts must be evaluated by a credential evaluation agency which is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). A copy of the evaluation must be forwarded directly from the agency to the SBU Admissions Office for admission determination.



  • An applicant must demonstrate suitability for the graduate degree program of acupuncture and Oriental medicine
Admissions Procedures

An applicant to the MAcHM program must observe the following procedures:

  • Submit a completed Application Form with the $100 application fee. The application fee is non-refundable.(Download Application form) 
  • Submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended directly to the Admissions Office at South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine.
  • Submit two (2) letters of recommendation.
  • Submit proof of English language proficiency as stated in the Language Proficiency Requirements.

All applications and supporting documents submitted and received shall become the property of the University.

Admissions Evaluation

Applicants will participate in an interview with the Director of Admissions or other officials of the University. However, if the applicant lives outside California or outside the United States, a phone interview or an interview conducted by an alumnus may be substituted.

Admission to the MAcHM program is based on the combination of strength of educational curriculum attempted and Cumulative Grade Point Average. The application will be reviewed and decided for admission on an individual basis, and the student may be asked to provide additional evidence of academic proficiency.

Once accepted into the program, the student must sign the enrollment agreement and schedule a time for registration, at which time an academic advisor will provide academic information and discuss the plan of study.

Language Proficiency Requirements

International Applicants – Language Proficiency Requirement

Admission to Advanced Standing

Credits for basic science subjects on a professional level shall be given upon a course-by-course evaluation, and only courses closely approximating in content and hours to the similar courses offered by the University will be accepted from a recognized school.

Professional level is defined as an accredited Chiropractic, Dental, Medical, Osteopathic, or Traditional Chinese Medicine. No candidate for admission to advanced standing placement will be accepted if dishonorably dismissed from such a school.

Program Student Advisor in coordination with the Academic Dean and Program Director evaluates transfer credits to ensure compatibility and equivalence with the curriculum.

In accepting credits from other educational institutions, the academic office shall ascertain that said credits are not being applied towards both admission pre-requisites and professional program requirements.

Candidates for advanced standing must file with the admission office the documents required for any enrolling student, official transcripts, and a letter of honorable dismissal or withdrawal from the college the student previously attended. No credit for courses with a grade below “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) may be transferred.


Students whose enrollment has been withdrawn, transferred, or otherwise dismissed must submit a Petition for Readmission, transcripts from any institutions attended in the interim, a letter expressing their desire and intent to re-enroll and complete their program of study at SBU, and the application fee to the Academic Dean. The University has the authority to grant or deny a request for readmission at its discretion.

The readmission petition must be submitted to the Academic Dean at least ten (10) days before the beginning of the quarter in which the student requests readmission. The Academic Dean will determine if the student has demonstrated the likelihood of future success in the program of study. The Academic Dean will notify the student in writing concerning readmission.
If readmission is granted, a student may resume coursework at SBU and must comply with the curricula, tuition and fees, current at the time of readmission.

Students who are placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation at the time of their withdrawal remain on Academic Warning or Academic Probation upon re-admission, must earn the minimum required CGPA for the first quarter of re-admission to remain enrolled.

Transfer of Credit Policy

Transfer students must meet the admission requirements in effect at the time of matriculation and must comply with the same admissions procedures. Upon admission, academic credits earned at other educational institutions will be assessed by the Academic Office and transfer credit will be granted based on course content and instructional hours equivalency to the courses offered at SBU. Any credit used for admissions requirements shall not be used again for credit toward the Master’s degree program. Credit will not be awarded based on prior experiential earning.

AOM courses taken at educational institutions approved by the California Acupuncture Board and accredited by ACAOM may be fully accepted for transfer credit.

AOM courses taken from accredited educational institutions that are not approved by the California Acupuncture Board may only be accepted for a maximum of 50% of transfer credit and no more than 25% of the 50% transfer credit may be awarded for the clinical internship training.

AOM courses taken from unaccredited educational institutions that are approved by the California Acupuncture Board may only be accepted for a maximum of 50% of transfer credit and no more than 25% of the 50% transfer credit may be awarded for the clinical internship training.

All other courses that were taken from educational institutions accredited by an accrediting agency which is recognized by the United States Department of Education may be fully accepted for transfer credit.

Courses taken from unaccredited educational institutions that are not approved by the California Acupuncture Board will not be accepted for transfer credit.

Equivalency and comparability of Transfer Credits (TC) is based on the course title, content, quality, level, and units/hours in the course-by-course evaluation process. Credit cannot be given for courses with a lower grade than “C”.

If SBU has a question as to whether the content of prior coursework is equivalent to the course for which the transfer credit is sought, SBU will require the student to provide additional information regarding the course or may require the student to take a challenge examination. Half of the course tuition fee is required as an administrative fee for each challenge examination.

Courses taken from foreign educational institutions must be evaluated by a credential evaluation agency which is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) prior to granting transfer credit. AOM courses taken from a foreign educational institution may be accepted for a maximum of 50% of transfer credit if equivalent to the University’s courses. All other courses that were taken from a foreign educational institution may be fully accepted for transfer credit if equivalent to the University’s courses.

If a student has successfully completed a minimum of 70% or more of the required hours in a qualified transferring course, that student needs to attend the equivalent course in order to complete the number of hours that are deficient. The faculty of the particular course will verify the student’s competency in the course through a comprehensive examination.

If a student has completed less than 70% of the required hours in a qualified transferring course, the equivalent course must be successfully repeated in its entirety for credit.

Courses completed more than five (5) years prior to the date of admission may not be transferable unless the student demonstrates proficiency in the subject matter, or shows documented evidence that they have been and remain in a profession directly relevant to these courses.

The Registrar will inform the student in writing of any award of transfer credits. The Registrar will also maintain records of transfer credits granted in individual student’s file.

The evaluation of transfer credit shall be completed within the quarter that the official transcript and TC Evaluation Request Form were received.

Transferring students must comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirement. Transfer credits will be counted towards the maximal length of study at the University. Fifteen (15) quarter units shall constitute one (1) quarter term, which will be used in the determination of time limitations for graduation.

The initial transfer credit evaluation granted at the time of admission to the AOM program is free of charge. However, each additional TC evaluation will require a $50 processing fee.

South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine has not entered into an articulation or transfer agreement with any other college or university.

More than 30% of quarter units (equivalent to 20% of semester units) at the graduate level earned by another institution may not be accepted as transfer credits toward the Master’s degree program.

• Transfer Units to Qualify for SBU Quarter System
All transfer units for previous work shall be used to determine the time limitation for completion of the degree program. Fifteen (15) quarter units constitute one quarter for use in the determination of time limitation.

The transferability of credits you earn at South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree, diploma, or certificate you earn in any of the SBU educational programs is also at the discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.
If the credits or degree, diploma or certificate that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals.
This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine to determine if your credits or degree, diploma or certificate will transfer.
It is solely at the discretion of the receiving institution which credits and /or coursework, if any, will be accepted.

Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Applicants

The University will consider applicants who are not seeking a degree, but who require course work to meet an educational objective other than the University’s degree. This includes students participating in the California Acupuncture Board approved tutorial programs, licensed acupuncturists, medical doctors, and other health professionals.

 Admissions for NDS students must be approved through the usual process described in the Admissions procedures above. At registration, priority is given to degree-seeking applicants. Placement of NDS students will be granted only on a space-available basis. NDS students do not receive a degree from South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine but do receive an official transcript showing coursework that has been successfully completed. NDS students may take up to 60% of the Master’s degree program courses before electing to become full-time, degree-seeking students. In this case, coursework successfully completed at South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine will then be applied toward the degree

Licensing Requirements for California Acupuncture Board

Individuals wishing to practice acupuncture in California must first obtain a state license, which requires qualifying for and passing California’s written examination (Business and Professions Code section 4938). The examination tests the competency of entry-level acupuncturists.

In order to qualify for California’s examination, an applicant must furnish satisfactory evidence of completion of one of the following:

  1. An educational and training program approved by the Board pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 4938(b)(1)
    1. For students who enrolled in approved acupuncture and Oriental medicine training program on or after January 1, 2005, must complete a minimum of 3,000 hours of theoretical and clinical training pursuant to California Code of Regulations, section 1399.434.
  1. A tutorial program in the practice of acupuncture (consisting of a minimum of 3,798 hours of theoretical and clinical training), which is approved by the Board per Business and Professions Code section 4938(b)(2) and California Code of Regulations, section 1399.420-432;
  2. In the case of an applicant who has completed education and training outside the United States, documented educational training and clinical experience that meets the standards established pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 4939 and 4941.

California does not recognize out-of-state licensing (reciprocity) nor does it accept for licensure those individuals who take and pass the national examination (administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)). Therefore, licensees from other states or those individuals who have passed NCCAOM’s examination may not practice until they have qualified for, taken and passed the California examination.

The Acupuncture Board administers the California Acupuncture Licensing Examination (CALE) and offers the examination in Mandarin, Korean and English. The CALE is based on and validated by an occupational analysis. The passing score on the examination is determined by subject matter experts (SMEs) who use a criterion-referenced scoring method.

Applications for examination must be received in the Sacramento office at least 120 days prior to the date of the examination for which the application is made. The application requires personal and demographic information, including relevant transcripts/diplomas, be submitted to the Board’s office. Diplomas and transcripts must be official documents. All foreign language documents must be accompanied by an English translation certified by a translator who can attest to the accuracy.

For more information, visit: www.acupuncture.ca.gov
The California Acupuncture Board
1747 N. Market Blvd, Suite 180
Sacramento, CA 95834

Phone: (916) 515-5200    Fax: (916) 928-2204
Email: acupuncture@dca.ca.gov    Join e-mail list

Licensing Requirements for National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

NCCAOM Certification continues to increase in value as more states implement licensing regulation in acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, and Asian Bodywork Therapy. More insurance companies accept NCCAOM Certification as a basis for reimbursement for treatment. As national certification standards are adopted throughout the country, mobility to practice where one chooses also increases.

NCCAOM Examinations are administered three times each year at 30 sites across the country. Each administration consists of TWO DAYS of testing. This allows candidates to take examinations for more than one NCCAOM program over the same administration period. The Acupuncture Examinations will be administered on the first day of testing. The Chinese Herbology Examination will be administered on the second day of testing.

The application deadline is the date by which all application materials, including supporting documents and fees must be postmarked. The registration deadline is the date by which the Exam Registration Form (ERF) must be received to request the exam date and location of your choice. You will receive an ERF from NCCAOM after you are approved to test.

For more information, visit: www.nccaom.org

Admissions for DAOM program

The DAOM program is a professional doctorate program designed to further expand the working knowledge and competencies of Acupuncturists and East Asian Medicine practitioners through higher level clinical research, advanced practices, and demonstration of expertise in selected areas of specialty in the field of East Asian Medicine (EAM). The program typically spans 3 years, requiring a minimum of 60 didactic units and 660 clinical training and research hours.

The program is offered in two languages: Korean and English. Courses are delivered through various formats: in-person, online, and hybrid.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) degree program must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from an ACAOM accredited institution, or its equivalent.
  • All pre-admission courses must be completed with no less than a 2.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
  • International students must have course work that has been verified by an educational evaluation service for equivalency to the SBU Master’s degree Program. If prerequisite educational requirements were earned at a recognized and approved foreign educational institution, the applicant’s official transcript must be evaluated by an agency that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).
  • Applicants without acupuncture licensure require the approval of the Academic Dean and Doctoral Program Director. However, an applicant should hold a license in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine prior to the beginning of clerkship training.
  • An applicant must demonstrate suitability for the graduate degree program of acupuncture and Oriental medicine
Admissions Procedures

An applicant to the Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) must observe the following procedures:

  • Submit a completed Application Form with a non-refundable $100 application fee. (Download Application form)
  • Send official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended directly to the Admissions Office at South Baylo University.
  • Submit two (2) letters of recommendation. 
  • Submit a resume that includes educational background, professional and work experience, research and publications, and any additional appropriate information.
  • Submit a personal essay.
  • Submit proof of English language proficiency as stated in the Language Proficiency Requirements.

All applications and supporting documents submitted and received shall become the property of the University



Admission Evaluation

Applicants will participate in an in-person interview with the Director of Admissions or staff or other officials of the University. However, if the applicant lives outside California or outside the United States, a phone interview or an interview conducted by an alumnus may be substituted.

The DAOM Admissions Committee will review each applicant’s file, including academic records, CA Board licensure, personal essay, letters of recommendation and resume. The application will be reviewed and decided for admission on an individual basis. The prospective student may be asked to provide additional evidence of academic and professional proficiency.



Language Proficiency Requirements

International Applicants – Language Proficiency Requirement

Admission to Advanced Standing

Credits for basic science subjects on a professional level shall be given upon a course-by-course evaluation, and only courses closely approximating in content and hours to the similar courses offered by the University will be accepted from a recognized school.

Professional level is defined as an accredited Chiropractic, Dental, Medical, Osteopathic, or Traditional Chinese Medicine. No candidate for admission to advanced standing placement will be accepted if dishonorably dismissed from such a school.

Program Student Advisor in coordination with the Academic Dean and Program Director evaluates transfer credits to ensure compatibility and equivalence with the curriculum.

In accepting credits from other educational institutions, the academic office shall ascertain that said credits are not being applied towards both admission pre-requisites and professional program requirements.

Candidates for advanced standing must file with the admission office the documents required for any enrolling student, official transcripts, and a letter of honorable dismissal or withdrawal from the college the student previously attended. No credit for courses with a grade below “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) may be transferred.




Students whose enrollment has been withdrawn, transferred, or otherwise dismissed, and elect to return to the University, must submit a Petition for Readmission, transcripts from any institutions attended in the interim, a letter expressing their desire and intent to re-enroll and complete their program of study at SBU, and the application fee to the Academic Dean. The University has the authority to grant or deny a request for readmission at its discretion.

The readmission petition must be submitted to the Academic Dean at least ten (10) days before the beginning of the quarter in which the student requests readmission. The Academic Dean will determine if the student has demonstrated the likelihood of future success in the program of study. The Academic Dean will notify the student in writing concerning readmission. If readmission is granted, a
a student may resume course work at SBU.

Students who are placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation at the time of their withdrawal, transfer or dismissal, remain on Academic Warning or Academic Probation upon re-admission, must earn the minimum required CGPA for the first quarter of re-admission to remain enrolled.



Transfer of Credit Policy

Transfer students must meet the admission requirements in effect at the time of matriculation and must comply with the same admissions procedures. Upon admission, academic credits earned at other educational institutions will be evaluated by the Doctoral Program Director and approved by the Academic Dean and transfer credit will be granted based on course content and instructional hours equivalency to the courses offered at SBU.

Transfer credit for courses with a grade of ‘B’ or higher completed at the accredited doctoral-level program or through the challenge examination may be given to students enrolled in the Doctoral degree program. The unaccredited course work deemed equivalent to the SBU doctoral degree program may be challenged by examination for transfer credit with approval of the Doctoral Program Director.

Transfer Credits (TC) will be evaluated by the Academic Office upon receipt of the following:
1. Official transcripts from previously attended colleges or universities.
2. Completed Transfer Credit Evaluation Request Form.

Transfer credits for AOM courses from nationally accredited AOM educational institutions which are approved by the California Acupuncture Board can be fully accepted if equivalent to the University’s courses. Equivalency and comparability of Transfer Credits (TC) is based on nature, content, quality, level, and units/hours in the course-by-course evaluation process. Credit will not be awarded based on prior experiential earning.

The Registrar will inform the student in writing of any award of transfer credits. The Registrar will also maintain records of transfer credits granted in individual student’s file. The evaluation of transfer credit shall be completed within the quarter that the official transcript and TC evaluation request form were received.

Transferring students must comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirement. Transfer credits will be counted towards the maximal length of study at the University. Eight (8) quarter units shall constitute one (1) quarter term, which will be used in the determination of time limitation for graduation.

South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine has not entered into an articulation or transfer agreement with any other college or university.

More than 24 quarter units (equivalent to 16 semester units) at the graduate level earned at another institution may not be accepted as transfer credits toward the Doctoral degree program. Clerkship hours will not be accepted as transfer credits.

Transfer Units to Qualify for SBU Quarter System
All transfer units for previous work shall be used to determine the time limitation for completion of the degree program. Eight (8) quarter units constitute one quarter for use in the determination of time limitation.

The transferability of credits you earn at South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree, diploma, or certificate you earn in any of the SBU educational programs is also at the discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.

If the credits or degree, diploma or certificate that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals.

This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine to determine if your credits or degree, diploma or certificate will transfer.

It is solely at the discretion of the receiving institution which credits and /or coursework, if any, will be accepted.



Non-Matriculated Admissions

Non-matriculated students who wish to enroll in doctoral-level courses must meet the admissions requirements above. In addition, they must meet any prerequisites for individual courses.



Apply Today!

Ready to pursue your professional goals? We can help!
Reach out to discuss your degree plan, transfer credits, and payment options, and estimate the total cost of your tuition.
Call 714.533.1495 or Email at admissions@southbaylo.edu

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