Working Toward Success
Office of Student Services
Student Services

SBU is committed to serving the students by providing adequate student services and a learning environment conducive to professional and personal growth by meeting the students’ needs in academic endeavors.
Student services and activities at SBU are designed to assist the students in concentrating on studies to achieve professional competencies.
MAcHM Student Manual
Office of Student Services

Alex Jung – Los Angeles campus
Tel: 213-738-0712 Ext)203
Student Services
General Advising
General Advising is provided by the Students & Alumni Services Coordinator. General advising includes housing information, schedules for public transportation, applications for personal banking, and other general information. The Students & Alumni Services Coordinator can arrange meetings between SBU alumni practitioners with current students to receive general information regarding experience and knowledge of an OM private practice office.
The Coordinator also supervises the Quarterly Student Day Events, such as luncheon gathering with students and administrative staff for communication improvement.
Academic Advising
Academic Advising is provided to students by the Program Student Advisors for academic needs that include, but are not limited to, admission interviews, evaluation and granting of transfer credits (if any), selection of quarterly classes for timely registration, determination of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), selection of prerequisite courses for Comprehensive Competency Exams (CCE) preparation and eligibility, planning for remedial activities for successful academic progression, and any other related academic matters.
Students enrolled in online courses will receive responses from the university within two business days of the university receiving any questions or materials related to academic matters.
Program Student Advisors are:
MAcHM Program
Henry Choi, 714-533-1495 ext)228,
Alex Jung, 213-738-0712,
DAOM Program
Rabiha El-Habbal, 714-533-1495 ext)308,
International Student Advising
International Student Advising is provided by the International Student Advisor so that an I-20 can be issued to a student to obtain an F-1 student visa. The advisor routinely processes required annual ICE reports to certify satisfactory completion of foreign students in the program.
For more information, please contact the International Student Advisor, Woo Jin Han, by phone:714-533-1495 ext)275 or by
Career Services
In order to assist students, the University provides job placement assistance within the University and through its network affiliations with clinics, businesses, and healthcare-related companies. Also, assistance in the preparation of the resume is provided upon student request. In addition, a bulletin board is maintained with job announcements and career opportunities.
These services are provided at no cost to the student. The University, however, does not guarantee employment or a specific level of income from its placement assistance. All these services are available from the Office of Student Services.
Disability Services
The University is committed to accommodating students with physical and learning disabilities. Accommodations and other support services are managed by the Academic and Student Services Offices and are tailored to meet the needs of each individual student. It is recommended that new students with special needs contact the office early in their first term to arrange for support services.
Housing Services
The University does not provide student housing. However, there are many private apartments and boarding houses around the University. The Student Services Office helps students find appropriate housing. A range of cost of housing in Southern California is between $500 and $2,000.
Tutoring Service
The tutoring service is an integral part of academic life and is a function of South Baylo University. SBU students are permitted to receive on-campus tutoring by designated and approved student tutors, faculty members or other instructional personnel. All tutoring functions will be coordinated by the Office of Student Services and Academic Offices and provided to requesting students at no charge.