

Clinic Appointments

To schedule an appointment, please call and our clinic receptionists will be happy to help you.

Call Today

Same-day and walk-in appointments are available for your immediate health needs.

Anaheim Clinic







Monday – Saturday:
9am – 6pm
Sunday: Closed

Los Angeles Clinic







Monday – Sunday:
9am – 5:30pm

New Patients

Are you planning for your first appointment?

Available Discount

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards for payment and offer the following discounts to individuals who pay in full at the time of treatment:

Discounted fee for seniors (65+)  $20
Discount fee for eligible Medi-Cal patients (please bring ID) $20

Private Clinic Rates

We offer private appointments with our licensed Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) practitioners, massage therapists, and Medical Qigong practitioners. Rates are based on a practitioner’s experience of a minimum of five years to 40 years.

Private Practitioner $75
Consultation $20


Cupping Therapy: $30
Moxa Therapy: $20 (This rate varies depending on Moxa type)

Massage 1/2 Hour $45
Massage 1 Hour $60

Herbs (Granules): Start from $5
Herbs (Decoction): Start from $200

Facial Rejuvenation (5 times): $750
Weight Control (5 times): $850
Hair Loss Treatment (5 times): $850
Detox Treatment (5 times): $750

Hot Stone Aromatherapy Massage (1 hour): $60
Quantum Body Analysis: $35
Body Composition Analysis (one time): $15
Facial Analysis (one time): Free


Teaching Clinic Rates
Faculty in Rounds
Treatment by a clinic supervisor with up to five students observing
Senior Intern
Treatment by a senior intern consulting with a clinic supervisor
Intern Cupping Rounds
Cupping by intern assistants with up to five students observing, under the direct supervision of a clinic supervisor
Intern Moxa Rounds
Moxibustion by intern assistants with up to five students observing, under the direct supervision of a clinic supervisor
Intern Massage Rounds
A massage by intern assistants with up to five students observing, under the direct supervision of a clinic supervisor

Free Treatment

First-time Patient?
Please visit our clinic and get a free acupuncture treatment.

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