Your education is a significant investment.
Loan Counseling Information
Entrance Loan Counseling
If you have not previously received a Direct Loan or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), the Federal Government requires you to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities and obligations you are assuming.
- If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow a loan as an undergraduate student, then the entrance counseling will fulfill counseling requirements for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans.
- If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow a loan as a graduate or professional student, the entrance counseling will fulfill counseling requirements for Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and Direct PLUS Loans.
- You must complete entrance counseling before SBU can make the first disbursement of your loan.
- To complete Entrance Loan Counseling, go to: It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete entrance counseling online.
- Click on Log In. Log in with your FSA ID and Password. You may create your FSA ID by going to:
- Select “Complete Counseling.”
- Click “Entrance Counseling.”
- Select “Schools to Notify.” Select “California” as School State, and “South Baylo University” as School Name. This will automatically populate the school information.
- Under “Select Student Type”, indicate whether you are completing entrance counseling to receive Direct Loans as an undergraduate student or a graduate/professional student. Click “Continue.”
- Read all the loan information provided throughout the counseling process, provide any requested information, and answer all review questions.
- After you have completed entrance counseling, you must also complete Master Promissory Note.
Master Promissory Note (MPN)
The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).
The entire MPN process must be completed in a single session. Each MPN takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
- To complete Master Promissory Note online, go to
- Click on Log In. Log in with your FSA ID and Password. You may create your FSA ID by going to:
- Select “Complete a Master Promissory Note.”
- Click on “View What You Need” to review the information you will need to have readily available in order to complete MPN.
- Select the type of MPN you are completing in this session.
- An undergraduate student will select “Subsidized/Unsubsidized”.
- Parents borrowing a Parent PLUS loan for their dependent student will select “Parent PLUS”
- Graduate students borrowing only an unsubsidized loan will select “Subsidized / Unsubsidized.”
- Graduate students borrowing a Graduate PLUS loan will need to complete a Graduate PLUS MPN as well. Select “Graduate PLUS” to complete this MPN.
- Proceed with providing all the requested MPN information. You will need information of two (2) personal references to complete this process.
- In addition to completing both the entrance counseling and MPN, you must also initial and sign the SBU Student Direct Loan Request Form at the Financial Aid Office.
Exit Loan Counseling
- If you have received a subsidized, unsubsidized or PLUS loan under the Direct Loan Program, you must complete exit counseling each time you:
- Drop below half-time enrollment
- Graduate
- Leave school
- Transfer to another school
- Exit counseling provides important information to prepare you to repay your federal student loan(s). It guides you through the different types of repayment plans and information on how to avoid default.
- To complete Exit Loan Counseling, go to: It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete entrance counseling online.
- Click on Log In. Log in with your FSA ID and Password.
- Select “Complete Counseling.”
- Click “Exit Counseling.”
- Select “Schools to Notify.” Select “California” as School State, and “South Baylo University” as School Name. This will automatically populate the school information.
- Read all the loan information provided throughout the counseling process, provide any requested information, and answer all review questions. You will need three (3) personal references to complete this process.